Fine-Tuning Llama2 for Enhancing Blissymbolics Translation

Baby Bliss Bot project has fine-tuned the Llama2 model to enhance translation between English sentences and Blissymbolics sentences. Blissymbolics, a symbol language used primarily by individuals with physical disabilities who are non-speaking, presents a unique challenge for computational linguistics. The goal was to evaluate how well a large language model (LLM) can learn the conversion between English and Blissymbolics sentence structures, thereby improving communication for Blissymbolics users.

The fine-tuning process began with the Llama2 model, a large language model pretrained by Meta, known for its robust performance in natural language processing tasks. The researchers utilized a dataset containing 967 pairs of English sentences, structured according to standard English grammatical rules, and Blissymbolics sentences. Blissymbolics sentences are composed using corresponding English words for Bliss symbols while adhering to the grammatical and syntactical rules of Blissymbolics. For example, the English sentence “I slowly move towards the blue lake” would be represented in Blissymbolics as “present: I move slowly towards lake blue.” This structural consistency was crucial for the model’s learning process.

The fine-tuning was executed on the Cedar cluster, a high-performance computing resource provided by the Digital Research Alliance of Canada. By iteratively training the model over four epochs, the team generated multiple versions of the fine-tuned model. Each version was tested to evaluate its performance in translating sentences between English and Blissymbolics. The evaluation criteria for the converted sentences included semantic coherence, novelty, creativity, fluency, and readability. The results were promising, with the models, particularly those trained for two and three epochs, demonstrating significant improvements in translation accuracy and fluency.

Looking ahead, the project aims to further enhance the model by expanding the dataset to include a broader variety of sentence structures and conducting more comprehensive evaluations. This ongoing work holds the potential to advance assistive communication technology, making Blissymbolics more accessible and easier to use for individuals relying on this unique language.