- NROC Member Meeting 2019
The IDRC was invited to speak at the 11th annual NROC Member Meeting attended by educational practictioners, technologists, and researchers. This year's theme focused on collaboration and mutual success through our unique contributions.
- CISL Site and Demo Launched
The Center on Inclusive Software for Learning (CISL) is creating a suite of innovative tools to create, discover and use accessible, adaptable digital learning resources.
- Resistance In A Wire Simulation
The PhET project recently published the Resistance in a Wire simulation, complete with sound, description, and alternative input.
- Designing Enabling Economies and Policies 2018
The Designing Enabling Economies and Policies (DEEP) event had a dual emphasis on Smart Cities and the 25 years of research and development at the Inclusive Design Research Centre (IDRC).
- Google Summer of Code 2018
The Floe project participated in Google Summer of Code (GSoC), a global program funded by Google focused on bringing student developers into open source software development. Floe team members mentored five students in a variety of projects, with the aim of expanding the Open Education Resources (OER) community and building connections with budding open source software developers.
- Inclusive Cities Co-Design
As part of an effort to include diverse perspectives in the creation of inclusive cities, the IDRC and Floe organized co-design sessions in elementary and middle schools with students in Grades 3, 5, and 6.