- EDUPUB2 Workshop
The Floe team participated in an accessibility panel at the EDUPUB2 Workshop held by the IMS Global Learning Consortium.
- Inclusive Design of OERs
The Floe team presented a paper entitled "Inclusive Design of OERs" at OpenEd 2013.
- Call For Contributions: WAI's Accessible E-Learning Online Symposium
W3C's Web Accessibility Initiative will be hosting an Accessible E-Learning online symposium. They are currently inviting submission of new research, ongoing research, and analysis of past research related to e-learning accessibility.
- Fluid Releases New Video Player
The Fluid community has announced the release of Video Player v0.1
- FLOE leads Inclusive Design Workshop at Big Ideas Fest
Jutta Treviranus led a workshop on Inclusive Learning Design at Big Ideas 2012. The workshop highlighted techniques for creating inclusive open educational resources.
- FLOE Deployment Feasibility Study Funded by US Dept. of Education
The U.S. Department of Education’s National Institute on Disability and Rehabilitation Research has recently announced funding for "Profile Creation Support for Cloud-based Accessibility."