- Improving Weavly Through Art Workshops
Students from British Columbia partook in art making workshops using the Weavly tool to draw and make music.
- Inverted Word Clouds
In a traditional word cloud, the most popular answers are emphasized. With Inverted Word Clouds, we are exploring ways to invert that relationship and amplify minority voices.
- AI Education Badges
Twelve micro-badges that support learning about the growing fields of AI, data systems and inclusive data practices.
- Open Robot Kit
An Open Robot Kit to enable learners and educators to easily create a ‘one-size-fits-one’ robot that works with the Weavly coding environment.
- Creating Flexible and Adaptable Content with Learners - Paper Published
The Inclusive Design Research Centre has published a paper titled "Inclusive Design for Learning: Creating Flexible and Adaptable Content with Learners". This paper addresses the issue of exclusion of persons experiencing disabilities through application of inclusive design practices.
- New Guide on Creating Open Educational Resources Published
The SNOW project team has published two guides about Open Educational Resources for educators and educational content creators. The guides offer practical ways to begin using and creating open educational resource materials whether educators are remote or in person.