We Count is a project created to address bias, discrimination and barriers to participation within the field of data science and data-driven systems, including online education platforms where machine learning can amplify and worsen gaps for learners at the margins.
The Inclusive Coding Toolkit offers a collection of open, coding related activities and resources for learners, parents and educators.
Open Robot Kit enables learners and educators to create a ‘one-size-fits-one’ robot that can be used for expression and self-discovery.
The Inverted Word Cloud tool allows learners, educators, and content creators to flip the emphasis on “majority rules” seen in word clouds by highlighting minority views and experiences.
The pluralistic data infrastructure allows learners to combine different personal data sources to create representations that can lead to self-discovery and new pathways for learning. “COVID-19 Vaccination Centre Data Monitor: Accessibility Map Demonstration” is an example how multiple sources of data can be used to generate new insights.
Trivet is a website starter kit helping educators and content creators make accessible, localizable static sites. Trivet is created using the open source website generator Eleventy.
SNOW focuses on technologies for learning and promotes understanding of inclusive learning practices.
Hearth supports the creation of libraries for open educational resources. Hearth will feature user accounts and logins, roles and memberships, sharing of OERs, multiple languages, and more.