- UN International Day of Persons with Disabilities
IDRC Director Jutta Treviranus will attend events at the UN Headquarters in New York for the UN International Day of Persons with Disabilities.
- IIDEX 2016
The IDRC participated in the IIDEX National Summit on Accessibility. This summit focused on appreciating how diverse stakeholders help shape and improve our design.
- DEEP Conference 2016
The DEEP - Discovery conference brought together an international community of over 100 diverse participants to discuss timely, difficult, and engaging topics. This year's theme was "Our Data: Who owns it, who controls it, what can we do with it?"
- Upcoming Talks on Inclusive Digital Education
IDRC Director, Jutta Treviranus, will be speaking at upcoming conferences about crossing digital inclusion in education, to rethinking the role of technology in our institutions.
- PhET Accessible Physics Simulations
Floe is working with PhET to improve the accessibility of their free, open, interactive physics simulations.
- Workshop: The Business Advantages of Making Special the Norm
The National Business and Disability Council (NBDC) at The Viscardi Center is offering an educational online workshop to focus on designing for diversity.