- Co-design Toolkit Updates
Learnings about working remotely and engaging people with diverse needs.
- Infusion 3.0 Release
The FLOE team is pleased to announce the release of Infusion 3.0!
- Web Site Starter Kits
The FLOE Team is developing starter kits to accelerate the development of web sites; providing a solid foundation to build from and maintain over time.
- Virtual Health OER
The Guide for Reducing Barriers to Virtual Health and its accompanying Personal Preferences Approach to Personalizing Healthcare is now available.
- W3C Portable Personal Data Preferences Community Group
The W3C Portable Personal Data Preferences Community Group was formed to define a way for learners to express preferences regarding the collection, use, and disclosure of their personal information.
- Pluralistic Data Infrastructure
The pluralistic data infrastructure allows learners to take control of their data and its relationships.